PSHE and Citizenship are essential ingredients in providing a well-rounded education which prepares pupils for their lives both in and after school. It is our duty to promote wellbeing in our school, and, in line with our values and aims, our PSHE and Citizenship programme contributes to providing Education with Character; preparing pupils for the ups and downs of life, helping them to become confident, happy, ready and able to take their place in the world beyond school.
BCS will continue to build on our strong foundations to safeguard our future mental health and wellbeing provision. We are proud to have dedicated Mental Health leads in place, plus a bespoke, detailed and consistent PSHE Programme, timetabled for an hour a week across both schools.
Children will always be at the centre of everything we do, and our work on improving the culture, education and processes to assist pupils with emotional and societal challenges will look to support and enrich their wellbeing as they prepare for the next stage of their lives.