World Book Day 2022

World Book Day 2022

Wow, what a week! It has been a fun and busy filled week of activities for children across the Prep school.

We started the week with our pyjama day. Everyone was allowed to come into school wearing their pyjamas, including the teachers! It was the perfect relaxing start to our week...

Tuesday was our Teacher Swap day, where all of our classes swapped round to have a story read to them by a different teacher. It was so much fun to be read to by old and new teachers! Year 4 also managed to fit in some Harry Potter yoga during their PE lesson.

On Wednesday our Book Swap Shop was open for business! There were lots of books on display that were ready for trading, with plenty of new books to discover for each year group.

It was time to get creative on Thursday with our in school ‘Design your own book character’ competition. Every child in the shool took part, and there was a fantastic variety of characters!

Finally on Friday it was the day we had all been waiting for - our Fancy Dress Day! What a fantastic display of outfits from everyone, and well done to the winners from each year group.

Well done to everyone who participated over the week, we hope you found a new book to love.